Swiss Financial Knowledge SA
Swiss Financial Knowledge SA is a company founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 2019, to commercialize the Tax Radar® service.
This cloud service is the result of a decade of extensive research on the taxation of financial instruments; as well as the development of tools for the management of financial databases, together with a proprietary, state-of-the-art rules engine.
Laurent Franceschetti
Founder of the company and strategic consultant with a scientific background, with twenty-five years of experience in the banking industry. Relying on a spectrum of practical competencies, he helps the Senior Management of banks and other financial institutions meet strategic, operational and technological challenges on a five years horizon.
He as a first-hand experience with legal, operational and technical issues connected with FinTech companies.
In the new context of fully fiscalized assets, he assists financial institutions with planning, implementation and staff enhancement, across the various departments (Wealth Management, Compliance, Operations, Accounting, and IT), with a particular focus on principles, methodology, and logistics. He is the original designer of the Standard Income Model of financial assets, now part of the tax curriculum of the Federal and International Diploma of Associate Wealth Managers (AIWM).
He has worked extensively in the field of AML (on-boarding, follow-up of increased risk transactions). More recently he has contributed to the codification and implementation of standard approaches in Switzerland on the monitoring and reporting of AML risks in tax matters (tax offenses preliminary to money laundering).
Originally graduated from the Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland (1990), he worked initially with interbank systems and market infrastructures (Swift, stock exchanges, payment and security settlement systems) and later performed audits in financial institutions. His experience enables him to consider individual financial institutions from a systemic viewpoint, as components of the worldwide financial markets. His expertise ranges from regulatory aspects and bank policy to operational processes and IT developments/maintenance.
Legal information
Swiss Financial Knowledge SA is incorporated in Geneva, Switzerland (Swiss registry code: CHE-407.689.114).
Tax Radar is a registered trademark of Swiss Financial Knowledge SA (Switzerland, no 708425).
Swiss Financial Knowledge SA provides automated services to financial institutions.
The results of tax suitability tests should be understood as the application of reasonable tests, using a risk-based approach. SFK's services do not constitute advice on the interpretation of regulations, or advice on tax matters.
Also, note that those tests are designed for abstract, standard personal situations; you should always check specific facts and circumstances for each person, since this may have an impact on the applicability of tax suitability rules. There cannot be any guarantee on the interpretation of tax regulations, especially since not all cases are accurately defined by regulation, and tax authorities are susceptible to express their intepretations on a case by case basis.
In case of doubt, always refer to a competent lawyer or tax advisor.
Swiss Financial Knowledge SA/Knowledge Services for the Financial Industry (theme: material)