Tax Suitability Tests for the Financial Industry
Can you determine, at a glance, which investments are tax suitable for your clients in each jurisdiction?
With our cloud services, we can help you. No internal IT project, no hassle, no complications: just a list of ISINs1.
How to Detect Tax Bombs?
"Increased tax rate" seems obvious, but have you ever thought about the consequences of "non-deductibility of losses"? In some cases, income tax can take away more than half of portfolio performance! Do not shoot in the dark and hope for the best... or wait until a tax bomb blows off.
We have an online, automated, service to help you.
Tax Radar®: Tax Suitability Scan for Portfolios
ISIN: (International Security Identification Number) a standard unique code used to identify a particular financial product, such as the share of a company, a bond, a fund, future, structured product, etc. ↩